Wednesday, January 27, 2010

N.b. Government Public Auctions Fredericton Dates Has Any Person Or Group Even Attempted To Sue The Obama Administration For Taking Any Unconstitutional Action?

Has any person or group even attempted to sue the Obama administration for taking any unconstitutional action? - n.b. government public auctions fredericton dates

I have to say hundreds of statements here already that Obama has violated the Constitution.

We have a mechanism to deal with complaints of unconstitutional acts of the executive control - the federal courts.

Presidential administrations have been sued hundreds of times in the history of our people to take unconstitutional measures. Sometimes the plaintiffs prevail in these processes, and the presidential measures were the Constitution intended.

For example, the government sought to take Truman and the mills in operation, without any legal authority of Congress or elsewhere. The Supreme Court rejected the claim of the President. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952). This is just one of many examples where the President's actions were unconstitutional.

A person or a group of people that Obama is unconstitutional before the court and asked for a specific action by the administration? If so, how?

Has asserted claims against Obamatheir actions are unconstitutional success? If so, how?

If no one has even attempted to challenge the constitutionality of acts of Obama, what can we say about the assertion that Obama is acting outside the Constitution?

Note: Do not Speak now of processes, birth certificate. These claims do not meet all of the measures Obama / policy (since he took office, and no application has led to nothing, anyway).


Darth Bama said...

I call, but now I have more money to pay for my fingers reinvested.

Fred W said...

He should be indicted, not a request.

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