Friday, December 11, 2009

Side Pain More Condition_symptoms What Exactly Does Ligament Pain Feel Like? I Had Sharp And Achey Pains In My Stomach (more Off To The Side)?

What exactly does ligament pain feel like? I had sharp and achey pains in my stomach (more off to the side)? - side pain more condition_symptoms

I was afraid I had (cramps and I read the cramps are a warning sign of a miscarriage), but was a little sharper .. and especially on the left side Is the "Growing Pains", although I am only 9 weeks and 2 days?


Jessica B said...

That's how I feel! Are usually concentrated on one side and can be like a dull stabbing pain or acute feeling. As we go further, you will get the feeling more and more and more the feeling that at least they have for me. I'm sorry if I'm excersizing. But you know, cramping is quite normal. Yes, they can be a sign of miscarraige, but all so good. I had bad cramps in the first quarter and tender during pregnancy, stretch and change everything, which can be a little hurt. I am almost 32 weeks and everything was perfectly normal and fine. Not exist on the same pain, cramps and pain, because almost all of them normal. To take care only if it kept very painful and usually after an hour or so your feet and drinking water, or blood. Then you call the doc. Good luck, congratulations!

first born due 15.02.10 ♥ said...

The cramps are normal during pregnancy. The pain that last a long time, not so good. So you need to call your midwife, doctor or hospital if they experiance. And it is your ligaments tear. Especially when you walk or move usually go fast, you feel like a knife through you but not for long. Every woman is different, do not worry themselves for the time. And do not try a miscarriage, you are sure that stress is not good thinking for the child. Take it easy. Congratulations and good luck ♥

Ashlee[baby #3 coming soon] said...

I'd like to get me, every time you go to bed. Pain so bad that SA to move. If this is your first, there could be some growing pains.

Ashlee[baby #3 coming soon] said...

I'd like to get me, every time you go to bed. Pain so bad that SA to move. If this is your first, there could be some growing pains.

Heaths Mommy said...

Yes, they are =)

wfhlembo said...

Yup! That's all! stabbing pain on both sides. ♥ good luck

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