Saturday, January 16, 2010

Buy Spices Where Can I Buy Fresh Spices, In The UK?

Where can i buy fresh spices, in the UK? - buy spices

I sumpermarket good spices for curry, or am I better to buy it Somewere else?


Desi Chef said...

All India Workshop has wide range of spices and wonderful, especially when you see it is a busy place. If you store a lot of Indians, be well. The busiest place to have a higher turnover.

Reva P said...

I think what you are looking for spices, all that is cool.

Spices, by definition, are the dried seeds, bark, woody stems and roots of plants. It is better, fresh herbs, such as use of plant leaves or stems of herbaceous plants.

Whole spices can be found relatively easily, but not necessarily in the supermarkets. Call and ask.

Lolipop said...

Every supermarket.
I live near Bradford. The spices are widely available. We have the best restaurants in India in the world.

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